Only Businesses with Performance Issues needs to engage a Business Coach!

That’s simply not true!


There is such a misconception about WHEN a Business would engage a Business Coach.

Yes of course there is truth in that a Business Owner or Business Leader will be naturally inclined to engage external expertise if the business continues with Performance Issues and not achieving its strategic and people goals. And I would have to agree that that’s absolutely the best thing to do for the business.

You are in business for a good reason! Your WHY features strongly, you make a difference, you know that you offer a needed service to your customers or manufacturing and/ or distrusting a sought after product to market! When it doesn’t go to plan, you look for answers!

Myth #2 Only Businesses with Performance Issues needs to engage a Business Coach!

But my business is performing exceptionally well…

Firstly congratulations for your achievement! Success comes with hard work, employing the right talent, continuous improvement and often you’ve had to work smarter for your success and achievements.

When your business is performing, your people are likely performing well with your leadership and guidance! As Business Owner, CEO, GM or Senior Leader you’re likely to have clarity of mind. This is the best time to review your Vision and ensure it still aligns to your Values and then look at your Strategic Plans for the future to move forward!

You could stay status quo, but what are the pitfalls if you don’t review your business and not continue to assess your business for growth?

  • Losing market share
    Not reviewing your business and/ or looking for ways to further develop, you run the risk of allowing your competitors the room to grow and take market share
  • Customer Satisfaction
    Things are constantly changing and evolving, what guarantee do you have that your customers will continue to be happy if you do not look at further growth
  • People
    You currently have a great workforce, however not continuing your growth may see some of your great talent leave for other progressive companies that continue their passion for growth

What type of plans can the right Business Coach help a successful business with?

  • Current People
    – Are your people capable of growing further in their roles?
    – What do they need from you as leader to help them scale and grow as the business grows?
  • New People
    – Are you future planning?
    – Can you anticipate from your Strategic Plans when you need to bring new talent on board to cope with growth?
    – What implications do you have to the business when you are not able to do this within the timeframes required?
  • Capacity
    – Are you considering the capacity you have for additional services and manufacturing
  • Operational Efficiencies
    – Is your current processes still right for your business or do you need to refine or add new processes in place as you continue to scale
  • Customers
    – How do you need to communicate with your customers as things grow and scale
  • Innovation
    – Are you thinking of new initiatives, new products, new services, and if so, will this disrupt your existing performance and what do you need to put in place to ensure you keep all internal and external stakeholders happy
  • Premises
    – Have you considered this?
    – Do you need bigger space for manufacturing
    – Do you need more space to store product
    – Do you need more space for your people
    – Will make people work remotely? If so, how will you manage this

There is a myriad of things for a successful business to consider continuing with their growth and success and keeping them relevant to their market.

Still think you don’t need a Business Coach?
A Business Coach can be as vital as having a great Accountant that helps you meet your Tax obligations!

Remember, the right Business Coach for YOU will be able to help you with getting to understand what your roadblocks to further success are, help you understand why these roadblocks are in your way and help you and your team navigate your way through this!

I work with Successful Business Owners like you; if you’d like to know more, don’t wait: contact me at 

Yours in Inspiration!